The Inspired
Just because we provide YOU with inspiration, doesn’t mean WE don’t like to be inspired! Below are letters from our fans who have been so inspired by what we’re all about, that they had to write us and tell us their story. These are real stories sent by real people who understand what it means to Live Life Every Day.
Help US stay inspired so we can continue to inspire YOU!
Send your stories and pictures to or use our Contact Form. Prefer Facebook? Write on our Facebook Page wall! More of a tweeter? Send a tweet to @LiveLifeEvryDay! Is Instagram more your thing? Tag us in your post on Instagram using @LiveLifeEveryDay!
Livin' Life at the Gym!

Live Life Every Day ® is a company that sends out such a positive message.
I wear my "Do What You Gotta Do" shirt all the time at the gym and have gotten numerous compliments! It's the perfect motto for the gym as well as life in general, and I am proud to be spreading the message of Live Life Every Day ®!
-Jon from San Francisco
Livin' Life in Dublin!
Big thanks to Stephanie from Buffalo for sending in this great picture of her Livin' Life Every Day in Dublin, Ireland!
Livin' Life Stylish and Comfy!
Live Life Every Day ® is not only a stylish and comfy t-shirt, it is also a bold reminder that happiness doesn't have a price tag. It's free!

This train of thought is not new, but Jason Rivera puts a fresh perspective on an idea that most want to live by, but often seem to forget. And Jason leads by example. Anyone who knows him will tell you that he always has a smile on his face and makes the most out of any situation life throws at him. Happiness isn't a destination, it is a state of being. So be, and live! I know I will. Thanks Jason!
-Aaliyah from New Jersey
Completing a Life Goal, Truly Livin' Life!
U.S. Navy Veteran, J.J. from Florida, recently achieved a life long goal of completing a triathlon! He sent us a few pictures of him in action. Check him out doin' what he's gotta do!
J.J. pushing through the running leg of the triathlon and using his "Do What You Gotta Do" t-shirt as inspiration!
J.J. crossing the finishing line and finishing his first ever Triathlon!
And J.J. finally standing tall with his official finisher's medal! Congratulations and keep Livin' Life Every Day!!
Livin' Life While Supporting a Great Cause!

For the 2012 MS Challenge Walk in Cape Cod, Team SureHands used "The Pledge" as their official team t-shirt! Carol, Eileen, Marlene, George, Emma and Danielle (all from New York), walked 50 miles in 3 days to help raise money to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. It was an honor to be the team's official t-shirt and we were told that everyone loved them so we know we were successfully able to spread inspiration!
As you know, Live Life Every Day ® donates $1 from every t-shirt we sell to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Thank you very much to Carol and Team SureHands for supporting the MS Society and helping to inspire the world!
Livin' Life in the Middle of the Ocean!
Rosie and Milton from New Jersey show their Live Life Every Day ® pride
while they enjoyed their recent cruise!
Rosie even helped spread some inspiration while they were docked in The Bahamas!
Livin' Life in Vegas!

Dear Live Life Every Day,
It is an honor to don the sacred Live Life Every Day ® t-shirt! May I add, it is SO soft and comfortable! I Live Life Every Day because having survived depression and beaten it, I have learned that life is way too precious to squander away! Since then I have shifted gears and haven't turned back! Your site is the inspirational call to all! :)
-Grace from Nevada
Do What You Gotta Do
Thanks to Greg from Tennessee for sending in this great picture of him Livin' Life Every Day!
"Sportin' my Live Life Every Day® t-shirt at the 'Warrior Dash' in Tennessee!"
You've Really Inspired Me
Dear Live Life Every Day ®,
You've really inspired me so much that I can't thank you enough.

Today I bought your t-shirt and actually met you as well at the Somerville Arts & Main Festival! :D I'm glad I got to meet you and I was very intrigued by your 4 inspirational words!
My dreams are high but I know I can reach them in time. I love your slogan as well!
Keep inspiring others to achieve and live their dreams to the fullest! <3 :)
-Janay from New Jersey
I Deserve to Be Happy
Dear Live Life Every Day ®,

I have been going through some adversity lately and was very sad every day about life in general. But after thinking about it, I do deserve to be happy, and I appreciate a company like yours built on that. It gives everyone hope when you tell them to have a great day.
I just wanted to tell you thank you. Everyone deserves to be happy and live an amazing life.
-Stephen from Oklahoma
Thank You!
Dear Live Life Every Day ®,
I feel so happy to have met you. It's funny, you just can feel it when people are drawn for one reason or another. My Husband and I last Saturday went to the Edison Fair, my older sons were playing ball with the firemen and police that day. We walked around with our grandchildren and browsed and shopped. My husband came over to me while I was having a tattoo sprayed on my grandsons arm and said, "You've got to see these shirts...come over when you are done." So we both came back and bought several shirts.

You and the warm smiling young lady giving us change were truly a breathe of fresh air. I was proud of your shirts and how you presented your product. My first impression when I read your shirts was, "This young guy has slayed a dragon much bigger than himself and wants the world to know it's very important." I enjoyed the letter that came with our purchase and want to wish you much good luck and success in the future. I will certainly pass along your information to all my friends.
My husband is a State Trooper and is close to retiring after 25 years. I have been fighting through Multiple Sclerosis for the past 15 years - we learned many many years ago how important it is to Live Life Every Day. I never knew if he would come home after some of his jobs at the end of the day and this little challenge of my disease is a celebration each day I can see and walk. I try to never have "stinkin thinkin" ever. I have 2 sons who live on my street, who I get to see every day and their lovely wives and my grandchildren. I know I have hit the lottery, doesn't get much better than that!
I have had MS for a long time, but rarely does it ever have me. Our lives are richer and precious for each and every moment and we know that! Kudos to you and your vision! I am a fan and it was a pleasure meeting you guys!
Best of luck and good things to you always,
Judy from New Jersey