Don't Take Life for Granted
We take life for granted every day. We complain about something we don’t have or we let something small and insignificant ruin our day. You wouldn’t think so, but by simply taking a long walk in New York City, you can realize just how good you have it.
Have you ever slept on the floor of Penn Station or the streets of New York themselves? Have you ever had to beg for money to survive? Have you ever wandered aimlessly not knowing where you’ll sleep at night or if you’ll even eat a meal?
It’s unfortunate but so many people suffer every day, worse than any of us could ever imagine. It really makes you appreciate life in general and the opportunities you have been granted. You should live your life knowing that no matter how bad you have it, someone somewhere has it worse.
So the next time you see someone on the street, show a little compassion. You don’t have to even say anything, but if nothing else, appreciate what you have. It you’re feeling really good, maybe you’ll even stop and help them out. Give them a couple bucks, or better yet, buy a meal for them. Helping your fellow man is an unbelievable feeling that too many of us miss out on. Show some compassion.
Yes it’s easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of our own lives, but every now and then we must step outside our little bubble and see the world around us. If we all tried to do even just one random act of kindness a week, the world would be such a better place. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Hold a door or an elevator open for someone or even just smile at someone walking down the street. If done right, a smile can make the world seem right and brighten up someone’s day.
So don’t hold back. Be proactive and help your fellow man. Not only will you benefit but we will benefit as a whole.
So do what you gotta do.
Never take life for granted again.
Tweets that mention Don't Take Life for Granted | Live Life -- says...
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jesse Damiano, Live Life. Live Life said: We should never take life for granted. Check out The Live Life Blog's new post to find out why: […]
On Oct 28, 2014
How To Lucid Dream says...
So tru, One gets easily caught up in one own stuff (problems and frustrations) and they all feel like it could be the worst thing ever, in mean time there are many people out there dealing with really hardcore problems every day, but the millions…. if not billons….
On Oct 28, 2014
Live Life Every Day says...
You're absolutely right! It could always be worse. We should be thankful for every little bit we have!
On Oct 28, 2014